Wednesday, April 30, 2003

xiz is vice-pres of council!!! teehee... super happy for her. :) :) :)
met grace on the bus today. never dreamed that i could have such casual acquaitance with an rgs rhythmic gymnast, my nemesis for that matter. but those are just fond memories; merely stepping stones to bring me to where i am today. she's a really nice person. these past few years, i must admit that i've had a rather coloured view of people from certain schools, even though i knew and still believe that it is unfair to steorotype. its just that when you're in competition, your opponent seems to be the ugliest most corrigible things ever, and picking on their every action makes it easier to focus on beating them to the dust. i sound like a power-hungry dictator, i know. but all this comes packaged with competition. i failed, momentarily, to realise that our competitors are human too. in a competition, there are bound to be winners and losers. but this is not measured by scores or medals. its measured by the individual. for me, to be a winner means to be able to look back on all i've been through and say "yes. i gave my best, my all. i have emerged a better person than i was before. i have survived through the battle and have won the race." cliche as this may sound, it is truly what i feel. for at the end of the day, the medals are just narcissistic ornaments upon a shelf; its the memories that are worth the collecting. and yes, though i've openly vowed once before never to say these few simple words, i have to say it anyway. i love training! i guess i was wrong. i love training! all 4 hours of it! sn gym, graceful yet mighty, you guys are the greatest!!!

Monday, April 28, 2003

whew! had a really long and tiring day today. waitaminute...when's my day never long and tiring? come to think of it, i can count right off my fingers the number of days when i've felt bored. sometimes, i question my very existence. what is the meaning of life? is this how i want my life to be led? ten years down the road, will i look back and smile? or will i be angry at myself for letting my youth slip through my fingers? everyday is the same old routine. wake up. go to school. come back from school. shower. have dinner. study. sleep. and then the whole cycle just repeats itself over again. darn! i'm starting to sound like tsih ern. perhaps what she said precipitated this reverie. this isn't the first time that these thought have crossed my mind. somehow, my thought just got lost in the hustle and bustle of my life, until i accidentally stumble upon it again, like i have of recent. frankly, i can't imagine my life being anything else but this. ever since i entered secondary school, finding time for myself has been an uphill task, what with gym, the pm board, my school work, red house, piano, church etcetra... the list just goes on. when i entered jc, i thought to myself, perhaps i should take the back seat for awhile, concentrate on my school work, have time for my own personal pursuits. but no... we have to complete a hell lot of cip hours, plus the stupid PEARLS system which is as unfair as the secondary school cca pts system. maybe even worse! 2 years of jc is just too short to accomplish so many things! i find myself as disorientated as i was the first day i stepped into st nix. starting out all over again from the foot of the hill is a daunting task. having a timetable that ends at 5 everyday doesn't help an iota. this brings me back to square one. what is my goal in life? it'd be so much easier if i had something i could work towards.
life is an aimless journey. you walk on, never knowing where you'll meet a crossroad, never knowing if you'll ever meet someone who'll stay by yourside the entire journey, never knowing when it'll ever end. well, but that's life. and i am but a clueless, mapless wanderer

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

hellooo world! finally got myself a blog. not sure how this thing works though, but i'll figure it out. don't think i'll be able to post entries as often as i would like to, but hopefully this blog will instill in me discipline of sorts.
i have to admit that i wasn't very keen about getting a blog initially. felt uncomfortable displaying my thoughts for everyone to read, especially to people i don't know, who stumble upon this page while mindlessly clicking on links from another person's page (which was what i have been doing since the SARS break). to these people, hope you'll just spend some time signing my guestbook (when i do set it up, that is). i'd like to get to know you too! :)
yep. well, so much for my very first entry. still have yet to fine tune lot of stuff, so bear with me for now ya...