Friday, April 30, 2004

when i get excited over something that is to come, i start imagining and dreaming and scenes just start playing in my mind and i get such a wonderful picture of what i envision would happen. but then, when the highly anticipated moment finally arrives, i find myself suddenly at a loss and no amount of preparation and mental rehearsals seems sufficient. that feeling totally sux. i feel so helpless sometimes.

Monday, April 19, 2004

"... i barely know you and i understood not a word you said to me. but i am flattered. embarrassed but flattered and honoured nonetheless. and despite it all, since i am compelled to give you an answer before the night is through, to do justice to your sincerity and spontaneity, my answer is yes... thank you for so much more than an unforgettable experience. God bless you.

and i answer, "in my middle."

what is your question?"